Pastorale Counseling
What is Pastoral Counseling?
Pastoral care is primarily the responsibility of the whole congregation (church). You could also call this "looking after each other" in the broadest sense of the word. All this after the example of Jesus; the Good Shepherd. Pastoral Counselling is a specialized part of pastoral care.
There may be situations that prevent you from finding the help you need within your own church or congregation. For example, because there is not enough capacity in the congregation and / or a more specialized form of pastoral care is required, etc. Or maybe you are not affiliated with a church or congregation at all. It may be desirable to enter a pastoral path externally.
The overall main purpose of Pastoral Counselling is to change people's lives in the image of Christ and to the glory of God.
Pastoral Counselling aims to help people discover how to deal with their personal situation and discover what God's purpose is for it. It is a form of counseling that can easily exist alongside regular treatment and sometimes even as a supplement to it.
Outpatient help
As a counsellor I offer outpatient pastoral help with problems such as religious insecurity, anxiety, depression, feelings of guilt, relationship problems, parenting problems, feelings of inferiority, identity questions, burnout and stress, trauma processing, sexual problems, addiction, etc. By filling in the information form you give me, as a care provider, useful information and permission to guide you in your problems.
It is possible that the problems you have, during the conversations, are related to problems other than the ones you are experiencing. There may also be other difficult things that appear to have nothing to do with your initial problem. You are willing to discuss the things that are addressed in a meaningful way. If you do not see the usefulness of this, report it and the intention is to evaluate the counselling together. In the counselling process you guarantee all the self-determination that is necessary to choose independently for the continuation of the counselling.
If your problems are of such a nature that you can no longer function in everyday life, so that there is a need for care, I advise you to seek help through a suitable reception centre.
During the first meeting, a plan is drawn up for the assistance and you receive an explanation of the agreements in the guidance. Usually, counselling starts with five conversations with a frequency of one conversation every two weeks. Afterwards, the effect of the aid is evaluated, after which it is decided whether further aid is necessary and what the best course of action is. It is possible that - if you wish - one or more family members or a pastoral worker from their own local congregation may be involved during counselling.
As a freelancer, I depend on a personal contribution from the person asking for help. It is used to pay wages, as well as fixed costs such as rent, heating, telephone, computer services, etc.
The introductory interview / first intake interview (1.5 hours) costs € 90. Calls afterwards cost € 75 for individual calls. I think it is important that pastoral care is accessible to everyone. If necessary, I would like to discuss with you what is feasible in your situation, if the finances are a problem for you.
I have no contracts with health insurers, so reimbursement from that source is not possible. Sometimes, however, someone has a PGB (Personal Budget) and can be paid from there.
What is a PGB?
PGB is a Dutch concept and stands for Personal Budget. It is a subsidy (budget) from the government, with which someone can purchase the desired care, guidance or facilities. In principle, someone with a PGB is free to select and hire his / her care providers. Permission must be requested.
In principle, anyone who, due to his or her limitation or problem, needs more than usual care, guidance or help, can apply for a personal budget. A person's income or wealth is not important in this respect. The financial situation does influence the amount of the personal contribution that must be paid in most cases.
Do you want to know more or sign up directly? Please do not hesitate to contact me.